No matter how much you hate it, at some point, almost all of us must move to another city or a different place in the same city. As this moving process is so boring and lengthy that people usually hire a professional staff that helps to pack, shift and rearrange their stuff for a few hundred bucks. But it’s also a fact that not all of us can afford this expense of getting outside help so somehow, we need to manage our own work in such a way that it’s not boring and we don’t make any mistakes either. It doesn’t mean that it won’t be that difficult or time-consuming but somehow you will get through this without some big trouble. You just need to use a tool or some computer program that helps to pack and rearrange the stuff when someone is shifting. A moving packing list is a tool that is used in the above-mentioned situations. It’s actually a spreadsheet, which you can either use on a computer or make your own one just with paper and a pen.
There is no way to describe the actual elements of a moving packing list because each person has his own stuff and each moving situation is different. For example, a person is just moving across the street so he can just take the stuff and shift it because there is no need to pack the stuff at all but when someone is moving to another city or state and he has so much delicate stuff, he needs to be extra careful while packing the stuff because these boxes will spend so much time on the road and go through a lot of bad situations so this scenario is totally different. But generally, a moving packing slip includes the serial number of each box you have packed, its weight, and the details of the inside stuff in it. This way the list helps you a lot to unpack the stuff and it’s so helpful when you are just moving for a few days and soon you will again move your stuff to the old place and you don’t want to open every box just to find a lamp or pillow.
Free Moving Packing List Templates
Here are previews and download links for these Free Moving Packing List Templates created using MS Excel,
Moving Packing List Guidelines:
- Usually, there is no need to do that but if you are moving in or out of a hostel, you should put your name on the top of the list and also mention the date when you are moving the stuff.
- Start by enlisting all the stuff you have in the house and then divide it into several parts depending upon the size of boxes you have and the way you will need it.
- As you put stuff in a box, mention each and everything on the list in front of the box number you are putting the stuff in. For example, box # 1, pillows, cushions, bed sheets, blankets, and night dresses.
- Mention the estimated weight of each box so that it will be easy for you to move it or carry it.
- Also if some of the boxes include fragile stuff or delicate things, you should mention that on both the list and the box.