An average person needs about 1200-1300 calories per day for staying healthy and when we exceed this limit, this extra amount of energy in our body alternately damages our lungs, heart, and stomach by producing fat and variation in blood pressure. This means that one has to keep a calculation about the number of calories or energy he is taking. Before you eat a food, you need to know the number of calories and energy it is containing so that you don’t exceed the necessary limit. A Meal Log is a perfect way to do that and is also very easy to use. It’s a documented process in which you are required to put every single bit of the food you are taking and the kind of workout you are doing on regular basis.
Without a meal log, we can’t have any idea of what we are eating and what it would do to our body and also if our body is capable of taking this kind of food or not. Patients who have a problem with heart, blood pressure and extra body fats are highly recommended by doctors and physicians to use a meal log to check the calories of a food item before they eat it. This way a meal log is like an essential part of their lives. If someone is dieting, which means reducing his or her weight, he won’t risk his diet by eating a random food item or a diet-conscious person only takes a few bites in the entire day. This way he can put his life in danger because as he leaves the food, he is not giving the essential proteins and vitamins to his body either but when he uses a meal log he can be certain about the food he is eating and the calories it contains.
Free Meal Log Templates
Here are previews and download links of these Free Meal Log Templates created using MS Excel,
There are various websites that offer you to create a meal log free of cost but if you don’t want to do that you can make it at home by yourself. It’s not as difficult as it looks and you just need a paper and pen to create it. Although it’s not essential it would be better if you consult a physician or health instructor to create a meal log for you as they understand your body and its needs better than you. It’s also very important that you don’t estimate anything about your body by yourself because you can’t be certain about it and a professional knows it better. You can also use a computer where you need to create a new spreadsheet that will operate just like a professional meal log.
General uses of a Meal Log in our Daily Lives:
- Individuals use this log in their regular routines before they eat.
- The person on diet such as models and actors, use this log to find just the perfect amount of calories according to their body needs.
- Heart and diabetes patients use this log to maintain a healthy diet and eat just the allowed amount of calories according to the doctor’s advice.
- Doctors and physicians use this log in hospitals and clinics to provide the right amount of calories to the patients admitted there.
- Child daycare centers use this log when they prepare meals for children on regular basis.