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Warning Notice for Employees

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A warning notice for employees is also known as a show cause notice or reprimand letter to the workers. This is a standard procedure of letting your employees explain their situation in case they are caught in an unusual activity or act of violence in any way.

Importance of Warning Notice for Employees:

There are many reasons and important factors for writing a warning letter to your employees before finalizing their termination on a permanent basis. You know that for a company, the most important asset is the employees and workers who are working for the company for years and being loyal to it. It is not a good idea to terminate the employment of such experienced and loyal employees without giving them a possibility to explain themselves.

A warning letter or notice serves in this situation in the best manner. Suppose, one of your employees is absent from work for several days without any prior notice and you want to fire that employee. Before you do so, you should send him a warning notice so that he can come forward and explain why he is absent from work and didn’t tell anyone about that. You may find out that he was very sick at that time and there wasn’t any way to inform the office about his medical condition.

Some useful tips for Writing a Warning Notice for Employees:

  • The first thing to take care of in this warning notice is to make it simple. There is no need to have any small talk and you should just provide the real reason for sending the notice.
  • Don’t make any assumptions by yourself without talking to the employee first.
  • Never use a harsh tone or really bad words in the notice even if you are really mad at him.
  • Always use a straightforward approach to the employee and eliminate the factors that create confusion in the situation.
  • Explain the actual situation that your company is facing because of the employee’s acts and then suggest the ways out of it for the employee.
  • Never write the notice in a way that shows your anger as it may scare the employee and he might not tell you the real problems he is facing in the workplace.

Free Warning Notice for Employees:

Here are previews and downloads links for these Warning Notices for Employees in MS Word format,

Warning Notice for Employees 01
Warning Notice for Employees 01
Warning Notice for Employees 02
Warning Notice for Employees 02
Warning Notice for Employees 03
Warning Notice for Employees 03
Warning Notice for Employees 04
Warning Notice for Employees 04
Warning Notice for Employees 05
Warning Notice for Employees 05
Warning Notice for Employees 06
Warning Notice for Employees 06


Here is another preview of a Free Sample Warning Notice for Employees created using MS Word.


Here is the download link for this Warning Notice for Employees,

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