Just like any company or office where the manager or supervisor is required to record the attendance of the employees, any institute or place that uses volunteer help also uses the attendance sheet for volunteer staff members. This can be an animal shelter, soup kitchen for homeless people or an old age home for elderly citizens. In either case, it is very important for the head of the institute to record the number of attendances of the participants.
This becomes more important to record the attendance of volunteers because most of these programs award some kind of certificate to the volunteers and when this is the case, it is really crucial for the supervisor to know if a volunteer is punctual and regular before awarding him or her any performance certificate. For this purpose, a volunteer’s attendance sheet is used. This is a simple document that includes names of all volunteers and for each day of the month, there is a column on the sheet to mark the presence or absence of each volunteer.
Essential Elements to Include in the Volunteer’s Attendance Sheet:
- Name of the department that is using volunteer help from the participants i.e. a dog shelter or an old age home
- Name of the person who is supervisor or in charge of the place
- Total number of volunteers that participate in the activities
- Names of the volunteers were added in the first column on the attendance sheet
- 30 or 31 columns for each day of the month
- An additional column at the end of the sheet for the total number of attendance of each volunteer
- A signature area for the supervisor or in charge
Here are previews and download links for these Free Sample Volunteers Attendance Sheet Templates created using MS Word and Excel,
Useful tips for creating the Volunteer’s Attendance Sheet:
- Include the name and address of the Institute:
Before making any columns and rows on the sheet and including the names of volunteers on the sheet, you need to include the required details about the institute on the top of the sheet. This will include the name of the institute, the purpose of running the institute, the name of the head of the institute, and the address of the institute with contact numbers. - Count the total number of Volunteers:
Now it’s time to include the names of the volunteers on the attendance sheet but before doing that, you need to count the total number of the volunteers that work in the institute so that you can include enough rows for each of them on the attendance sheet. - Make enough rows and columns on the Attendance Sheet:
After that, when you count the number of volunteers, include an appropriate amount of rows and columns required for the attendance sheet. The number of rows depends on the number of volunteers whereas the number of columns depends on the days of the month i.e. 30 or 31. The number of columns on the attendance sheet will also change if you make it on a weekly or monthly basis.
Workshop Participant’s Attendance Sheet
During the summer vacations, there are many schools, colleges and other educational institutes that offer different kinds of practical workshops for the students in order to teach them various technical skills. At the end of each workshop or technical training session, the participants are awarded diplomas and certificates. In order to evaluate the performance of each participant in the workshop, attendance is also very important besides evaluating the hard work, dedication and adaptation of training programs.
All these factors add up to make a particular grade for each participant. In this manner, when the trainers want to evaluate the punctuality of the participants in the workshop sessions, they use the attendance sheets to observe the regularity of the participants. This attendance sheet is just like any other sheet that is used in schools, colleges, or workplaces for employees. It is very simple to create such a sheet for your workshop if you don’t want to use a readymade attendance sheet. By creating this attendance sheet by yourself, you can easily make sure that the sheet fulfills all of your requirements and needs.
Essential elements to include in the Workshop Participant’s Attendance Sheet:
- Name of the institute that is offering the workshop
- Name of the head or principal of the institute
- Names of the teachers or trainers who will teach in the workshop
- Number of classes or sessions in the workshop
- Number of participants in each class or session in the workshop
- The first column on the sheet for the names of participants
- Separate columns for each day of the month or week depending on the type of the sheet
- The signature area for the supervisor at the end of the attendance sheet
Useful tips for creating the Workshop Participant’s Attendance Sheet:
- Tally the total number of Participants in Each Class:
Before you put anything on the attendance sheet, you need to count the number of total participants in the workshop so that you can put as much rows on the sheet for each participant. - Make separate Attendance Sheets for Each Class:
It depends on what kind of attendance sheet you want for your institute. You can either use a common sheet where all the participants will enter their attendance or you can also use a separate sheet for each class or course in the workshop. In case you go with separate attendance sheet, make sure to mention the name of the class or session at the top of each sheet. - Include names of Participants on the Attendance Sheet:
In the first column on the sheet on the left side, include the names of the participants in the workshop. You can either make a separate attendance sheet for each class or just use the column attendance sheet for all the participants. This depends on your requirements and preferences. - Provide a Signature area for the supervisor at the end of the Attendance Sheet:
At the end of the attendance sheet, there should be a separate row or column where the supervisor can put his or her signature in order to validate the attendance sheet for the participants.