Franklin planner is a sort of management system that is created in paper form. Mainly it is made of loose-leaf paper and comes in ring binding. This planner can also be said a small private book that is used to manage personal records and information. Some people have used it as their book of bibliography. The pages of this planner are divided by month tabs. We can say that the main purpose of having and using a Franklin planner is to manage you personally. As concerned its size or volume, it comes in different versions that may include monarch, classic, compact, pocket, and micro. Details and descriptions of personal tasks to be performed are put on almost two pages of this planner. All important events, appointments, and activities are listed on a priority basis.
Franklin planner is mostly used by people who plan their life on a long-term basis. They also keep the yearly calendars in Franklin planners to manage their activities according to the available time. People do track their whole lives with help of the Franklin planner system which is considered the best management system. If we talk about the historical existence of Franklin planners, it is first time introduced in 1984. Here are some prominent features of Franklin planner:
- You can rearrange your views and thoughts about what you want to do.
- It is customizable.
- It is very close yet almost paper planning of your life.
- It has e-mail options to track all your e-mail-related tasks and activities.
Free Franklin Planner Templates
Here are some Free Franklin Planner Templates ready to be downloaded. Anyone who wanted to plan their day, hour, or week should use them with full confidence. Here is a preview of one of these planner templates,
After considering the features of the Franklin planner, it must be understood how it is beneficial to the people who rely on it and their whole lives depend on the accuracy of this planning system.
- First of all, having long-term goals and objectives relevant to your personal as well as professional life become very important. You have to focus on what you want to do when it comes to managing all your tasks and activities according to the Franklin planning system. Having vital goals and targets is important in the way that you can go ahead with your long-term planning only in this way.
- The other big advantage of having a Franklin planner is to do things at the right time. You can avoid skipping things and activities when they are required to accomplish. This type of planning system is very important for individuals who like staying sticking to their day-to-day routine and they don’t like interruptions in accomplishing their activities.
- With help of Franklin’s planning system, you can avoid so many things that should not occur in your life whether it is related to your personal or professional life.
- Career development and being successful also depend on how your planning is. You can go through all facilities of the Franklin planning system to manage your career in the best way. The most important in this regard is that you have pre-planned goals and objectives to achieve in your life.
We can say that when you have a Franklin planner with you, you don’t need to have any other sort of planning activity to manage your personal and professional life.